what’s in a name?


I had the privilege of attending a workshop with Jim Tomberlin yesterday.  You can click his name to find out more about him, but essentially, he is a leading church mult-site consultant who is working with our church as we dream to reach more people by adding campuses in different areas, all the while maintaining that we are ONE church.  It is exciting and energizing to think of the impact we have in reaching others! 

When Steve and I were growing up, it was UNCOMMON to have others in our classes at school who did not attend a church somewhere.   In our school and community we were blessed to live in a community rich in Christian heritage.  Where on Sunday mornings the town bustled as we all hurried to get to church.  The social activity of the week for many was what the youth group was planning, and church was a common thread…for most.

There has definitely been a shift.  Our culture is ever-changing.  The busyness of our lives is in the forefront.  We are on the go.  Always.  Church is just kind of hard to work in.  And if you feel like you don’t belong, how hard are you going to want to work church in?

There were many things Jim Tomberlin said that were impacting.  But one that spoke volumes to me was how easily we can alienate the very people we are trying to reach, just in a name.  The name of a church can absolutely turn people away because right away, they may think “but we are not the same as them”.  What are we anyway?  I mean, what is the name of a church saying about the very people sitting inside?  It may be truth and it may not be.  The perspective from the outside is many times predetermined just because of the nameof a church.  That just seems wrong, doesn’t it?

Denominationl tags can say “we want our kind to come”.  And what is OUR kind?  Seriously, what is it?  The fact of the matter is, denominational labeling comes from man.  Right away, a name can exclude the very people we are trying to reach.  An artificial barrier to a place where all should be able to hear the Good News, where the ground is level at the foot of the cross.  This is not to say, that we water down what we believe.  But it is to say, we should be striving to live a life like Jesus.  Our perfect mentor.  The ONLY righteous man to have ever walked this earth.  And it’s going to be hard.  We’re going to mess up, it’s inevitable.  And only because of his saving grace, can we pick ourselves up again.  He cleans our slate new each day.  Everyone needs this hope in Christ.  Living without it?  Can you imagine?  It is real for so many.

I just wonder, what in the world, if Jesus were leading a church, what do you think He would name it?  And went it really comes right down to it, Jesus is who we want leading every church.  The word ONE  sure takes on a new perspective, doesn’t it?

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