and he is BACK.


The last year, at least, has been a challenge for us in a very particular area of our life.  It has rocked our world.  Now, let me just say—among everything it could be, this really isn’t that significant.  However, a life change for Steve and I, it has been. We all hear how important it is to spend quality time together with your spouse.  And especially important once you have kids.  Steve and I do have a very hard time carving out time for just the two of us.  Having kids changes things.  You have to be very intentional in making your relationship a priority.  No, we weren’t getting a “date night” once a month or even once a quarter.  Many times, it seemed that by the weekend we were just begging for a bit of down time.  Or even time together as a family.  The whole husband/wife building kind of takes a backseat.  HOWEVER, we found a way to have “our” time.  Unfortunately, it took getting up at 5:00 am to do so, but nevertheless, we found it.  A time to workout together—a time to talk, dream, and solve all of life’s problems.  It was a time we both cherished greatly.  That is, unless we starting talking budget.  I think Steve secretly knew that was one way to get me to work out a bit harder—because I get a tad irritated talking budget.  You know that whole play angry thing?  Yeah, I took that to a new level…Anyway, life as we knew it changed with Steve’s knee injury.  It shook things up—and besides the obvious of him being injured, it took away an important aspect of our life.  And of our relationship.

It’s been almost 2 months since I posted about Steve’s minor knee surgery.  He is doing amazing!  He has been easing himself back into exercising and working out.  And as wonderful as it is that he is where he’s at, it is a bit bittersweet for me.  You see, being the supportive wife that I was, I did not want him to feel like I was leaving him out the past few months.  I did not feel it was right of me to work out when I knew he couldn’t.  It’s all part of that supportive and loving wife thing, you know?  I whole-heartedly believed that my hiatus from exercise was deep and heart felt.  Right?  HA!


I guess my whole point to this is that I am very thankful.  Very thankful that HE IS BACK.  He is back and as thankful as I am?  I am equally as scared.  Scared because I know what is in my future.  I know that a walk a couple of times around the neighborhood to ease him back into working out is not going to cut it anymore.  I know this because I am experiencing my hard nosed husband trying to get us back into shape.

Pray for me.

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